Customer List

Do you sell to companies who use Do you have a product that works with Do you offer consulting and implementation services? If you do, then you’ll love our actively-managed database of users.

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203,000 Companies
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"After piloting various data vendors, it was easy to see that ReadyContacts is a cut above."

Anna Jensen
Anna Jensen Director of Marketing, DigitalShadows


  • salesforce
  • gartner
  • ca technologies
  • equifax
  • IBM
  • zuora
Company Name Industry Country Size
CenturyLink, Inc. Information Technology and Services United States 10K - 50K
Nationwide Financial Financial Services United States 10K - 50K
TELUS Corporation Telecommunications Canada 10K - 50K
Hikvision Information Technology and Services China 10K - 50K
Lorna Jane Retail Australia 1K - 10K
Dixons Carphone Retail 10K - 50K
Capita ITPS Information Technology and Services Switzerland 10K - 50K
Roche Biotechnology Australia 10K - 50K
CGI Business Consulting Management Consulting Canada 10K - 50K
Sanofi Genzyme Biotechnology France 1K - 10K Customers Coverage

If you're wondering, "How many customers does have?" we've got you covered. We track customer insights globally and across verticals. Here’s a quick snapshot of the coverage we have for a list of companies that use and where they belong.

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Here’s why our data is better

We put freshness & accuracy ahead of everything here at ReadyContacts and it shows in our data that is software-powered & human-curated.

  • Freshness Our data is always freshly validated prior to delivery.
  • Accuracy Our multi-step software & human review process ensures the highest accuracy.
  • Targeting We are able to find highly specific target audiences for your needs.
  • Comprehensive We find every prospect out there for your campaign specification.
  • Intelligence Our datasets come backed with detailed & actionable intelligence.
  • Guarantee We promise 90% accuracy across all datasets & stand by it.

Get a list of customers in 3 steps


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Submit your specifications for a customer list based on your sales & marketing campaign needs.

Get a personalized sample & counts

Ready creates a freshly validated sample dataset of customers with contacts & shares the overall counts for your specification.

Finalize specs & purchase dataset

Once you review the sample, you can finalize any tweaks to the dataset of companies using with your own specifications and purchase the full set of records or a part of them. Customers List: FAQs

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that provides sophisticated CRM services to boost marketing, sales, commerce, and IT in an organization. Due to Salesforce's cloud computing model, companies who use Salesforce don't have to install any heavy hardware to use it. They receive an interface for case as well as task management, and a system to direct and route significant events. The client gateway gives websites using Salesforce the capacity to track their own cases, empowers them to join the discussion on social media websites, gives analytical insights, and various useful services such as email alert, Google search, and access to clients' agreements.

How many customers does Salesforce have?

Salesforce reported approximately 204,000+ customers worldwide in their most recent financial report for the third quarter of fiscal year 2022. It should be noted that this figure may change over time as the company gains or loses customers.

Who Uses Salesforce?

Companies who use Salesforce can understand their clients, connect with them on an assortment of levels, and develop their client base immensely. Salesforce customer list is ever-increasing because the cloud-based platform permits organizations to get real-time insights, customer complaints, and a number of other CRM features along with the ease of cloud storage. Salesforce clients list consists of organizations of various sizes - small, medium, and large. This integrated CRM platform provides in-depth information with a single, shared view of each and every customer across all departments.

Which companies use Salesforce?

List of companies using Salesforce includes Spotify, Amazon Web Services, U.S. Bank, Toyota, Macy's, T-Mobile, Aldo, The New York Post, American Express, Canon, The American Red Cross, L'Oréal Americas, NBC Universal and many more. The Salesforce user list is growing at a rapid pace across the world.

What Industries Is Salesforce Most Popular In?

Salesforce is a really versatile software that molds itself to address the needs of any industry. List of Salesforce customers includes organizations that deal with banking, insurance & wealth, consumer goods and services, communications and media, health, public sector, automotives, industrial equipment, life sciences, utilities, chemicals, and energy as well as software.

Want To Know The Most Common Alternatives To Salesforce?

The most common alternatives to Salesforce are Acumatica, Sage Intacct, SAP ERP, Epicor ERP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Have Questions About Salesforce clients List?

The Salesforce contact list is carefully curated to give you accurate and updated information on companies that use Salesforce. It lists the company name, website name, mailing address, zip code, and contact number of the Salesforce user. The Salesforce customers' email list is your one-stop to reach out to users of Salesforce who range from the Fortune 500 companies to small and medium enterprises.