Oracle ERP Customer List

Do you sell to companies who use Oracle ERP? Do you have a product that works with Oracle ERP? Do you offer Oracle ERP consulting and implementation services? If you do, then you’ll love our actively-managed database of Oracle ERP users.

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17,397 Companies
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Anna Jensen
Anna Jensen Director of Marketing, DigitalShadows


  • salesforce
  • gartner
  • ca technologies
  • equifax
  • IBM
  • zuora
Company Name Industry Country Size
CSRA Inc Information Technology & Services United States 10K - 50K
Mercury Marine Manufacturing United States 1K - 10K
Adecco, Chicago - Executive Search Staffing & Recruiting United States 25 - 100
Omnitracs Computer Software United States 1K - 10K
STEWART LENDER SERVICES Financial Services United States 1K - 10K
AFLAC Financial Services United States 1K - 10K
Union Bank (UB) Real Estate & Construction United States 10K - 50K
CareFusion Medical Device United States 10K - 50K
ConnectOne Bank Banking United States 250 - 1000
GE Appliances, a Haier company Consumer Goods United States 10K - 50K

Oracle ERP Customers Coverage

If you're wondering, "How many customers does Oracle ERP have?" we've got you covered. We track Oracle ERP customer insights globally and across verticals. Here’s a quick snapshot of the coverage we have for a list of companies that use Oracle ERP and where they belong.

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Oracle ERP customers Worldwide

Oracle ERP customers by US States

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Oracle ERP customers by Industry

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Oracle ERP Customers List: FAQs

What Is Oracle ERP?

Oracle ERP is a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning software that helps in integrating core processes within a business. It helps in managing day-to-day business activities such as financials, project management, risk management, compliance, and supply chain operations. The companies who use Oracle ERP will have real-time data storage in the cloud as the platform is available in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS). Oracle ERP user list has witnessed tremendous growth in the 21st Century. Its accounting and financial functionality are the best in the market. A website using Oracle ERP performs better and is better equipped to handle its business aspects.

Who Uses Oracle ERP?

Every customer in the present list of Oracle ERP customers would have had the primary objective of improving customer experience. Oracle ERP customer list is widespread across the globe, considering its leading product capabilities. It never ceases to keep up with the emerging trends by focusing on IoT, machine learning, blockchain, and human interfaces.

What Are The Companies That Use Oracle ERP?

The list of companies using Oracle ERP includes General Electric, Unicapital, Alcoa, Sig Sauer, Arrow Electronics, EnPro Industries, Facebook, Cisco, LinkedIn, Motorola, Symantec, Technip, Sanmina, DCB Bank, Escorts Limited, Quantum and more.

What Industries Is Oracle ERP Most Popular In?

From the Oracle ERP customer list mentioned above, it is evident that the product is widespread across industries like Construction, Finance & Banking Services, Retail, Real Estate, Information Technology, Government, Professional Services, Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, and Transportation.

What Are The Alternatives To Oracle ERP?

The most common alternatives to Oracle ERP are Microsoft Dynamics 365, NetSuite, Epicor ERP, SAP Business One, Sage 100cloud, Freshbooks, Xero, Wave, Sunrise, and Acumatica. The Oracle ERP contact list has outnumbered many of its competitors mentioned above.

Have Questions About Ready's Oracle ERP Customers List?

Ready provides a thorough list of companies using Oracle ERP in the form of a database with their company name, employee range, mailing address, website, phone number, and industry. Ready's Oracle ERP clients list contains over 1,350 companies from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India, and Mexico. Ready's Oracle ERP customers email list is prepared through a multi-step algorithm that purges out any false information. The data is also reinforced by actionable intelligence, making it one of the best in the market. Ready's Oracle ERP user list is just what you are looking for if you're looking for potential customers.