Microsoft Partners List

Looking for a comprehensive list of Microsoft Partners? Do you have a product or solution that is apt for go-to-market with Microsoft Partners companies? Then this database of Microsoft Partners is apt for your sales, marketing, and business development efforts.

Last Updated:
8,500 Companies
40,000 Contacts
  • Company
  • Website
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Industry
  • Employees

"After piloting various data vendors, it was easy to see that ReadyContacts is a cut above."

Anna Jensen
Anna Jensen Director of Marketing, DigitalShadows


  • salesforce
  • gartner
  • ca technologies
  • equifax
  • IBM
  • zuora
SAMPLE RECORDS OF Microsoft Partners
Company Industry Country Size
BlackLine Systems Software and Internet United States 100 - 250
Centric Consulting Computers and Electronics United States 250 - 1000
NCS Pte Ltd Information Technology & Services 100 - 250
Longview Solutions Inc. Software & Internet United States 100 - 250
New Signature Information Technology and Services United Kingdom 0 - 25
ForeScout Technologies Computer & Network Security United States 100 - 250
Fusion Alliance IT Services and IT Consulting United States 250 - 1000
Tech Data Corporation Computers & Electronics United States 1K - 10K
Bahwan CyberTek Pvt. Ltd Computer Software United States 1K - 10K
Virtusa Corporation Software & Internet United States 250 - 1000

Our Coverage of Microsoft Partners Globally

Our goal is to track and maintain the highest quality database of Microsoft Partners with actionable company information.

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Microsoft Partners by Countries

Microsoft Partners by US States

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Microsoft Partners by Industry

Here’s why our data is better

We put freshness & accuracy ahead of everything here at ReadyContacts and it shows in our data that is software-powered & human-curated.

  • Freshness Our data is always freshly validated prior to delivery.
  • Accuracy Our multi-step software & human review process ensures the highest accuracy.
  • Targeting We are able to find highly specific target audiences for your needs.
  • Comprehensive We find every prospect out there for your campaign specification.
  • Intelligence Our datasets come backed with detailed & actionable intelligence.
  • Guarantee We promise 90% accuracy across all datasets & stand by it.

How to get a list of Microsoft Partners from Ready


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Microsoft Partners List: FAQs

What Is Microsoft Partner?

Microsoft Partner Network or MPN is an official partner program with Microsoft Inc. This platform has been designed to make resources available to a wide variety of partner companies. These companies, with the help of the collaboration, can build their business, grow it, reach out to customers, and also sell their solutions. As a customer of Microsoft Partner Network, you will have the opportunity to connect with a variety of people, get real-world solutions to your business-related problems, and also strengthen your brand image through strategic partnership. The list of Microsoft Partners is very diverse and includes system integrators, manufacturers, software vendors, resellers, telecommunication companies, hosting companies, and marketing firms.

What Are Microsoft Consulting Partners?

Microsoft consulting partners are responsible for designing and implementing all Microsoft technologies with good quality and on schedule. As of 2020, some of the best Microsoft consulting partners are Azure, Centric, Rackspace, QBS Group, and more.

What Do Microsoft Partners Do?

Microsoft Partners are part of the Microsoft Partner Network and are responsible for providing Microsoft related products or services to other companies. These partners must be confirmed by Microsoft to be official. Microsoft partners span across many fields like education, technical support, manufacturing, etc. If you are looking for a comprehensive Microsoft Partners List, then ReadyContacts is the right place for you to go.

How To Get A List Of Microsoft Partners From Ready?

Ready’s Microsoft Partners company database makers use state-of-the-art software and an intense human-centric approach to identify all the partners and make a comprehensive list. To get the Microsoft Partners company list, you simply have to visit the ReadyContacts website, type in Microsoft Partners in the search engine, and then you can see Microsoft Partner downloads file.

How To Get A Sample List Of Microsoft Partners?

You can also get a Microsoft Certified Partner List or a customized sample list at ReadyContacts. You can customize the list using filters like geography, industry type, and size. The list can also identify employee roles, particular decision-making roles, etc. Upon purchase, the list can be emailed to you.